Friday, October 12, 2007

Definitely A Boy

On Tuesday we confirmed that Tarb2 is a boy! It wasn't too much of a surprise since we had an idea bout his gender since my last check up. Still, it was a relief to finally be sure and an even greater relief that everything else about him was looking good.

My next check up is in about a month. We'll do a more intense ultrasound - likely in 3 or 4D - to check all his organs. Praying for a great ultrasound then as well.

As for me, I have to confess to having a few apprehensions about being mom to a boy. At this point, I am completely clueless about how to bring up a boy. With Tarb being a girly girl like me in so many ways (as I like to think...!), nurturing her interests seems instinctive. What the heck do I know about the likes of Th.omas Tr.ain and the Teen.age Mu.tant Nin.ja Tur.tles?? It sounds frivolous... but that's what I've been thinking a lot about lately. That, on top of worrying/hoping/praying that this pregnancy continues on it's healthy course.

Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes and happy thoughts...


JJ said...

You will be a great mom to your baby boy!=)

Samantha said...

Congrats on the boy! I'm sure you'll figure it out...

Dr. Grumbles said...

a boy and a girl makes a good mix! You'll be a great mom to that little boy!

Bea said...

Everyone else says it ends up being just fine, so I'm sure you'll find the same.


missing_one said...

I'm glad everything is looking good! Oh, and don't worry about boys. Boys are easy. when I was pregnant with A I thought, what do I know about boys? I don't even have a brother! But then, I realized, boys are easy.You'll do great!