Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stir Crazy

It's the 6th full day of bed rest and I may be going insane with boredom. There is seriously nothing decent on TV, I'm sick of what my DVD collection has to offer (including the stuff that I haven't seen yet!) and for some reason reading makes me restless. That sucks since there's at least four really good books I have yet to finish.

So that leaves me with stuff I just don't do like knit (ok, I learned when I was about seven but I never got addicted to it), crocheting which is completely beyond me (I've tried!), crossword puzzles which I think would makes me feel as restless as reading at this point, Sudoku puzzles (again something beyond me) and blogging which should keep me busy for at least the next 10 minutes. My Mac is a desktop and while Dr. T said I could "compute" for a while each day, it's really better to be in bed.

I was going to shop at iTunes but our net connection is sooo s l o w today and my credit is down to like $3! I don't dare let Tarb hear the 30 second samples of High School Musical 2 songs or that would be my credit good and gone. (Bad mommy!)

All in all, there's not much to complain about. DH has been quite patient. I mean, he grumbles about having to do errands like go to the bank (stuff he ordinarily doesn't have to think about because I take care of all that) but I'm like, hey, welcome to my world! He was even like, you mean I have to line up and wait? Uh, yeah buddy, unless your a multi-million Peso depositor you kinda have to queue up with us vermin. OTHERWISE, he's been buying me magazines and DVDs and calls me up constantly while at the mall, asking if I want this or that or just to tell me that the supermarket has new stock of Ben & Jerry's Super New York Fudge. Oh, and for once, I get to choose what we watch at night. Not too bad...

But I end up sleeping at about 2am now - even if I don't nap during the day. There's such a huge lack of activity in my routine that I just don't get sleepy. I remember this happened when I was unemployed! It's terrible. I can't stand tossing and turning in bed so I don't turn the lights off and try to sleep till my eyelids weigh a ton each.

Then there's a wee bit of anxiety thinking about my check up on the 30th. If Dr. T doesn't let me go back to work well, that'd suck financially. I have 15 days paid leave a year. I've used that up already. So no work, no pay. And the lovely thing about my status as a "star", is that I'm not a regular employee which means that I have absolutely no maternity benefits. (Oh, but I have makeup and clothes sponsors from time to time).

BUT let me say that going stir crazy and temporarily not earning money are still a small price to pay for producing a healthy 2nd Tarb. What wouldn't any of us do right?


Dr. Grumbles said...

Doesn't sound like fun, but it is totally worth it!

Baby Blues said...

I would do ANYTHING. But you know that. I guess it's not our time yet. I was really hoping we would go through this together. It's going to be really hard for me. I would have given Tarb 2 a cousin. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right? But I think, this almost killed me. And if I get any stronger, I'd be steel. I just wish my wait doesn't drag on any longer so I could have closure. I'd keep you company and strap you in bed if I have to. I'll talk to you soon.

Bea said...

Here's a comment to keep you entertained for a few seconds. Boredom sucks, but I know for you it's not really a hard choice to make - take the baby over the boredom any day.


Samantha said...

Just catching up with you. I seriously hope everything will turn out okay!

hammygirl said...

I'm trying to think of ideas of things for you to do, but it sounds like you've already tried everything I would try!

Hope you find a distraction soon!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think I'd love to be confined to my bed, but I think if it actually happened, I'd go out of my mind! I hope things resolve themselves and everything goes well on the appointment on the 30th.

Mama Bear said...

I just surfed over and wanted to let you know that I'm going through the same thing. I bled Wednesday night and was diagnosed yesterday with a subchorionic hematoma...I'm only on day 2 of bed rest and am already going crazy. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now on day 6! Hang in there! And here's hoping for wonderful news on the 30th!